♪ Pa-pum ♪
There's someone here who can get the seed for us.
Kim'dael, the Bloodmoon Huntress.
Welcome to Bright Hope Cove,
or as most call it... Scumport.
We're only here to do one thing, find a boat.
Name's Finnegrin.
I'll give you the ship...
for the right price.
Finnegrin has something he shouldn't,
and we're going to steal it.
Deadwood, ready my ship.
Hmm? What...?
Good morning, uh, little baitlings.
You don't have names, do you? What should we call you three?
That's not very nice, Bait.
What a joy it is to have the lot of you grace me decks again!
Gentle reminder, these aren't your decks anymore.
It's my ship, and you know it.
Nonsense. You're me first mate, and I'll not hear another word of it!
Wait, what do you mean, it's your ship, Nyx?
Villads is the Captain of the Ruthless.
Was the Captain!
But then I won this hunk of sea scrap fair and square at a game of Danger Dice.
Her die landed on a crack!
It was leaning towards two!
It was a clear four, and double four is spider-eyes!
So, you're saying you won, and you are the captain now?
My preferred title is "the Commodore".
I don't care who's Commo-bore and who's First Whatsit,
so long as you can get us to the Sea of the Castout.
What's that you were saying about trying to stop an elf from getting out of prison?
Not just any elf. Aaravos.
He was a great evil.
A Startouch elf who was responsible for more pain, death, and suffering
than anyone else in history.
Good morning, King Ezran.
Good morning, good morrow, and top of the sun to you.
Oh, uh... Hi!
Uh, you, you seem to like it up there, little glow-guy!
It's a little awkward. I don't know their names yet.
Oh, you have that thing where you sneeze when you see the sunlight too?
Maybe we can call you Sneezles!
...and then I had a revelation.
Put an egg on the muffin.
With the sausage?
Yeah. With the sausage, yeah!
Wait, did you see that?
- Those weren't there before, were they? - Uh, I don't think so.
Then who made them?
So how does a junior assassin, a baby mage,
and your traveling circus plan to stop this Aaravos?
Hey! I'm not a baby mage. I'm the High Mage of Katolis.
I've seen human magic.
Fake ropes, false doors, birds and rabbits stuffed into clothing.
I'm the first human mage to do primal magic!
I'm gonna blow your mind.
Sure you are. Blow away!
Uh, sorry!
- Ahh! - Whoa, hey!
Toad overboard!
Don't worry, little guy! We'll get you out of there!
Um, what's that?
Those ain't sharks.
Hear that?
That's the tell-tale slurp of a sea leviathan's whirlpool!
Oh, no.
And glow toads are delicious!
- Queen Janai. - Has she returned?
No, General Amaya is still not accounted for.
Thank you, General Miyana.
Is there something else, General?
Queen Janai, there's something strange happening in the camp.
Multiple guards have reported that we've been infiltrated by... a ghost.
Miyana. Can I trust you?
Yes, my Queen. You can trust me with anything.
There's something I need you to do.
All right. Time for some fancy Nyx tricks.
Swimming in armor again. Ugh, not smart.
There you go, little guy.
Zym, help them!
Soren, hold on!
If you see Claudia again, please tell her I said, "Hi".
What? Where are you going?
Why don't you want to wanna eat me, huh?
You're missing out on some toned meat.
Don't feel bad.
If I was a giant sea monster, I would eat you.
Really? Aww, thank you.
The sea leviathan is gone, but we have a bigger problem.
We're being followed by a warship.
Well, maybe it's, uh, just on its way to you know, a war.
No. That's Sea Legs. Finnegrin's ship.
He's coming for us.
He's chasing us down for stealing three little baitlings?
That's where you got those glowtads?
You stole them from the most powerful, most vengeful pirate in all of Xadia?
He was going to use them as leviathan bait.
You are the last one who should be judging anyone about stealing, Nyx.
You know what? Fair.
Well, we can outrun him, right? Outsail him?
Right? Captain? Commodore?
They say if Finnegrin captures you, he flips a coin.
Heads, he drowns you in the icy depths.
Tails, you'll wish it had been heads.
Well, we are not going willingly to the icy depths.
He can't hurt us if he can't see us.
Head towards that fog.
This is not going to work.
Sea Legs is the fastest ship in Xadia.
Well, we have one thing that Finnegrin doesn't.
That's right! We have a sky mage.
Hold on to your hats.
I'll hold on to you. Wait. Hat.
It's the perfect name!
King Ezran, meet Hat.
Raise your hands above your head.
What are you doing? Put that down!
So, fog. It's like a ground cloud, huh?
Yeah. I guess, yeah, Soren.
- Fog is a ground cloud. - Right.
Just like how a river is just a fast lake.
Whew, after all that, I could sure use a snack.
Argh! This jelly tart with has no jelly inside.
What's going on here?
Maybe bugs got in your bag. Bugs that only eat jelly.
But never crust, no matter how flakey.
No, there aren't any bugs in here. I would have heard them.
Bugs love to gossip.
Let's see here.
You're the only jelly bug on this ship!
Wait, that's a perfect name! Jellybug!
Sorry to interrupt your little jelly crisis,
but Sea Legs is on our tail.
- They're gaining on us. - But-but how?
We should've outrun them.
Vengeful pirate, certain death, and no jelly.
Rough day.
Looking for something?
How can it be so close?
Better sails. Better ship.
Don't talk about me ship that way.
She's my ship, and I'll insult her as I please.
I have another idea.
You put 'em in irons!
I don't get it. What happened?
He took their wind away.
They're moving again.
How? How is it moving?
The ship has no wind, and it's still coming right at us.
- What are we gonna do? - There's nowhere left to run.
Those horrible jagged rocks ahead, those are Garlaath's Teeth.
And Finnegrin's right behind us.
Garlaath's teeth, eh?
Oh, no, Villads.
You are steering my ship into that graveyard.
We'll be chewed up like glow toads in a leviathan's mouth.
Nonsense. If she really was your ship, you'd know her better.
The Ruthless is quick and nimble. Have some faith, Commodore.
It's our only chance. I say we try the teeth.
That's the spirit. We'll make a sailor out of you yet, Rayla.
Who are you?
Why did you come here looking for the sun seed?
Did my brother send you?
Help me.
She did something to me. She drank my...
If you kill me now, you'll never know where the sun seed is.
Here we go, everybody.
Hang on!
Hard starboard.
Callum, Rayla!
Full ahead! Port two degrees!
- But the... - Full ahead!
Hang on!
Sea Legs won't dare follow us through here.
Full ahead!
Wait! The ship's not turning.
It's not even slowing down.
That ship's too big. He's out of his mind!
What's he doing?
What's happening? Why is no one saying anything?
I need me bearings.
Sea Legs has legs. It's a giant hermit crab!
Berto? Heading? Berto?
Abandon ship! Abandon ship!
General Amaya. Corvus. You're alive.
General Amaya.
There is a bit of a delicate situation you must...
The Queen has been taken.
Sorry about your ship.
Take 'em to the brig.
Keep the boy separate. I've got special use for this one.